Outside of the Grieg building on a sunny day.
Reports / April 06 2018

Annual Report 2017


The Grieg Group continues to develop positively in all business areas. Last year was influenced by large investments and new business ventures in several parts of the Group. G2 Ocean, Grieg Strategic Services, new brokerage offices at home and abroad, increased smolt capacity for Grieg Seafood and the completion of Grieg Gaarden, are some of the investments that make us well positioned for the future. In 2017, Grieg Seafood also celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Grieg Group had an overall pre-tax profit of NOK 671 million on a turnover of NOK 9.06 billion. The Group has equity of NOK 7 billion (44%).

“Based on the high-level of activity within the Group, combined with a strong commitment to adaptation and innovation, we consider 2017 being a good year for the Grieg Group. The overall performance was not historical high, but this could hardly be expected at a time when substantial parts of the Group are operating in a historically difficult market. It is gratifying to report that the steps taken, and the progress made in 2017, have helped to further strengthen the Group as a whole. We firmly believe that we are well positioned to achieve further growth in the coming years”, says Wenche Kjølås, Managing Director of Grieg Maturitas AS.

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