Hege Leirfall Ingebritsen og Paal Espen Johnsen
News / January 08 2025

Change of leadership in Grieg Maturitas

Grieg Maturitas

Gry Larsen has informed the Board of Directors in Grieg Maturitas that she wants to seek new opportunities, and therefore will be stepping down as Managing Director.


She became Managing Director of Grieg Maturitas in March 2023 after having been sustainability director in the group since 2020.

-Gry has been an extremely capable managing director and a huge asset for the group. Her leadership qualities and broad knowledge of global issues, geopolitical risks, the political system and sustainability has been vital for us to evolve further. She is an amazing person that the board and our employees will miss. We wish her the best of luck further in her career, and whoever gets her on their team will be very lucky, says Jon Haugervåg, chair of the Board of Directors in Grieg Maturitas.

Gry Larsen
Gry Larsen

The board has concluded that the best solution moving forward is a leader model where Hege Leirfall Ingebrigtsen will become the new Managing Director of Grieg Maturitas and Paal Espen Johnsen will be responsible for overseeing the industrial and financial holdings for the group as Group Chief Investment Officer. They will both report directly to the Board on their responsibilities.

-Hege and Paal are experienced leaders and capacities with different areas of expertise. Hege is an experienced leader and knows the Grieg companies through different leadership roles in Grieg Maritime Group and Grieg Maturitas. She has also been responsible for the annual owners gathering in the Grieg family. Paal has extensive experience within investment and portfolio management in large industrial companies, both private and public. The industrial and financial holdings of the group will benefit from his competence and experience.   With them at the head of our experienced team in the administration we in the board are confident that the Grieg Group is well equipped to meet the future possibilities and challenges.

Gry Larsen will stay on in Grieg until March 1 to secure a good transition.


Hege Leirfall Ingebrigtsen og Paal Espen Johnsen
Hege Leirfall Ingebrigtsen og Paal Espen Johnsen

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